Authors Alliance, a leader in providing high-quality educational resources that help authors understand and manage their rights, is launching the Authors Alliance Partner Program (A2P2), a new membership option for organizations.
By joining A2P2, organizations can leverage our expertise in copyright, open access, publication contracts, and getting rights back in order to expand the capacity of library and scholarly communications professionals to serve faculty, researchers, and students. Together, we can help authors manage rights throughout their careers and improve the availability and discoverability of knowledge and culture.
Why join A2P2?
- Save time and enhance your capacity to provide up-to-date, reliable, and consistent rights management education to authors with our teaching and learning resources.
- “Workshops in a box” that contain everything you need to prepare for and deliver workshops on topics that help authors manage rights throughout their publishing lifecycle, from negotiating for author-friendly terms in a publication contract to getting rights back.
- Webinars and other professional development resources to support your training activities.
- A curated collection of third-party materials that form a one-stop shop for trusted training and curricular resources.
- Stay informed with our quarterly newsletter and periodic issue briefs that help you navigate developments in the rapidly changing publishing landscape.
- Help steer our resource and policy agenda through priority member channels that offer you the opportunity to weigh in on our advocacy to advance sound copyright policies and provide input that will guide the development of our author-facing resources.
- Support the community of authors and institutions working together to expand access to knowledge and culture for the public good.
A2P2 member benefits will be developed and rolled out during a pilot phase, which runs from August 2019 through July 2020. A limited number of discounted A2P2 pilot subscriptions are available. To learn more about being a part of the group that will shape our services during the 2019-2020 academic year, contact us at
We are grateful to Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin—for a grant to support this initiative.