Please Support Authors Alliance This Holiday Season!

Posted December 6, 2022

Dear Members and Allies, 

Since 2014, you have helped Authors Alliance fulfill our mission to advance the interests of authors who want to make the world a fairer and more just place, to spark new conversations, and to be read by wide audiences. But our continued existence is not guaranteed, and we need your help to continue to advocate for authors who write to be read. Each year, we launch a year-end fundraising campaign and this year, we need your support more than ever.

In 2022, we continued to speak out in favor of laws and policies that empower authors to reach wide audiences, with a new focus on and expansion of our advocacy work. We submitted amicus briefs in five separate federal lawsuits (our most ambitious amicus docket yet!), defending authors’ ability to exercise their fair use rights at home and abroad, create transformative derivative works, reach readers via controlled digital lending by libraries, and more. We helped authors speak out against publishers whose actions weren’t aligned with their interests, magnifying author voices in the face of a sudden loss of access to their works. We also continued to partner with allied organizations to urge Congress to reject maximalist copyright policies, weighed in on several Copyright Office rulemakings, and much more. 

We’re proud of our many accomplishments in 2022, and cannot wait for you to see what we have in store for 2023. You can expect a brand new guide to legal issues related to writing about real people, a wealth of advocacy work related to strengthening authors’ ability to engage in text data mining, and more amicus briefs to represent your interests in the courts.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to help us carry on our work in 2023. Every contribution enables us to do our part to help you keep writing to be read!

Please support Authors Alliance today!