Support Authors Alliance!

Posted December 3, 2024

As we end the year, I’m writing to ask for your financial support by giving toward our end-of-year campaign (click here to donate online).

In May, Authors Alliance marked its 10th anniversary. We’ve experienced tremendous support and enthusiasm for our work over the last decade, and your collaboration has been an important part of our success. I hope you’ll help Authors Alliance take on our next decade. 

We’re proud of our work promoting authorship for the public good by supporting authors who write to be read. In the past year, we secured expanded copyright exemptions for text and data mining researchhelped defend authors’ fair use rights in courtlaunched an important initiative to clarify legal pathways for open access to federally funded research, and much more. We’ve also continued to help authors develop a deeper understanding of how complex policy issues can affect their work, drawing over 20,000 attendees for our in-person and online events on topics such as text and data mining, open access, artificial intelligence, and competition law. 

For 2025, we have our work cut out for us. As policymakers actively consider changes to how the law accommodates free expression, access to information, and new technology, we continue to find that we are among the only voices defending authors’ rights to research, write, and share their work for the benefit of the public. Your support for Authors Alliance will help us continue to speak out in support of authors who value the public interest.

Donate Online Today

Thank you,
Dave Hansen
Executive Director

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