Author Archives: Authors Alliance

Rights Reversion Success Story: Dale Cannon

Posted March 27, 2018

Photo of Dale CannonDale Cannon is Professor Emeritus of philosophy and comparative religion at Western Oregon University. In March of 2017, he reverted rights to his religious studies textbook, Six Ways of Being Religious and made the book available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license in Western Oregon Library’s Digital Commons open access repository. During the past year, the book has been downloaded nearly 600 times. Professor Cannon shared his rights reversion experience for us in the following Q&A.

Authors Alliance: How did you first learn of rights reversion?

Dale Cannon: I first learned of rights reversion at a workshop/conference I attended for textbook authors the year after my book was published (1996).  It was all new to me.  The one thing that particularly stood out was the claim that absolutely none of the polished contract that I had received from Cengage Learning (at the time it was operating under the name Wadsworth Publishing) was “written in stone;” every word of the contract had been open to negotiation. (That, of course, doesn’t mean that Cengage would have readily accepted a rights reversion clause that favored my interests.)  About such matters I was completely naïve when I signed the contract.

I believed at the time that Cengage/Wadsworth was the best publisher I could have secured, as they had a track record of publishing several books closely related to the orientation and content of my book, and their publishing campaigns for those books seemed ideal.  So I’m skeptical that I would have had much leverage to get them to include a rights reversion clause, especially one favoring my interests.

AuAll: What motivated you to request your rights back?

DC: Several factors motivated my request.  One is that the book wasn’t selling well, due to a failure on Cengage’s part to mount a major sales campaign (as had been promised by my editor, who left the company shortly after the contract was signed).  The editor subsequently assigned to my book had no interest in books on religious studies and ignored the previous editor’s enthusiasm and promises.  On top of that, the original price of about $27.00 had long since been left behind and was 3 and 4 times that by the early years of the 21st century.  But I was very interested in having the book become better known and more widely used in university classrooms.  It wasn’t simply a textbook in the comparative study of religions; it was distinctly different and broke new creative ground in the theory of religions.

I have since learned more about self-publishing and how attitudes among academics toward self-publishing have changed a lot and become much more positive.  Of course, I could not consider any such option until I had rights reverted to me.

AuAll: How did you go about requesting a rights reversion?

DC: I simply wrote to the editor (14 years after publication) requesting reversion of rights, explaining how sales had been very low for quite some time (especially for a textbook), with no prospect of that changing.  Clearly my publisher wasn’t making any money on the book, so warehousing remaining copies was becoming a problem, not to mention the prospect of a reprinting.

AuAll: Were you eligible to exercise a clause in your contract granting reversion rights?

DC: There is a clause in the contract entitled “Reversion of Rights,” that seems to be entirely conditional upon the book being “declared out of print in the United States” plus 90 days after such declaration.  I did not appeal to this clause of the contract when I wrote requesting reversion.

AuAll: Did you face any obstacles in getting your rights back?  Is there anything you wish you’d known going into the process?

DC: I did not face any obstacles.  I received communication back from my request within a week, as I recall, and the official reversion of rights within about a month.  The persons with whom I had communication regarding reversion were all cordial and easy to work with.  There is nothing I would have preferred doing differently regarding the process.

AuAll: What advice do you have for other authors who might want to pursue a reversion of rights?

DC: There are several different circumstances that need to be taken into account.

Before the contract is signed, by all means try to have a reversion of rights included in the contract.  Do some research and have some alternative models at hand for how it might be worded.  Do take the publisher’s interests into account and, if possible, provide reasons for reversion that not only will be understandable to the publisher but also make it attractive to them.  Be prepared to go to another publisher.  It would be best if you have another acceptance offer in hand, or at least the strong likelihood of one.

After publication, a reversion of rights, in a situation where there is not a strong reversion of rights clause with clear conditions that are met, there should be no problem.  If there is no such clause, then you would need to establish that it would be in the publisher’s best interest to revert the rights to you—which could be a very tall order, unless the future prospect of sales, etc., is very dim, as was the case for me.

AuAll: How has the reversion helped you?  What have you been able to do with your book since reversion?

DC: Reversion has given me freedom to do what I want with Six Ways of Being Religious, including publishing it myself, and possibly finding another publisher. Currently, I have chosen to have it digitized and published on my university’s digital commons.

Since doing so, it has been downloaded more than 500 times in many different countries around the world.  I am considering offering print-on-demand and possibly an ebook version, both for a small price.

AWP Authors Inform Our Upcoming Guide to Publication Contracts

Posted March 22, 2018
Karen and Anna conducting their survey

An AWP attendee shares her contract story with Karen and Anna

Earlier this month, Authors Alliance attended the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference in Tampa, Florida. We presented a panel discussion on copyright basics with LeEtta Schmidt of the University of South Florida and Dave Hansen of Duke University, and staffed an information table at the conference bookfair. We were joined by UC Berkeley law students Karen Hagen and Anna Kuksenkova, who surveyed conference attendees in order to gather stories of authors’ real-world experiences with publication contracts. Some of those examples—from negotiation success stories to lessons learned the hard way—will be incorporated into our forthcoming guide to publication contracts.

Photo of Anna and Karen gathering survey dataThe survey results are still preliminary, but they revealed some key points that will be addressed in the guide. A number of authors shared successes and regrets about publication contract clauses relating to wide range of issues including pricing, cover design, royalties, audio rights, translations, and marketing. These considerations, and more, will be addressed in our forthcoming guide and will inform our tips for negotiating for author-friendly terms.

We are grateful to Karen and Anna for designing and administering the author survey and for their thoughtful engagement with authors at the conference. The final version of the contracts handbook will be even more useful and relevant thanks to their efforts!


Marrakesh Treaty Guarantees Right to Read for the Print-Disabled

Posted March 19, 2018

photo by Eddau | CC0

Last week, a bipartisan coalition in Congress introduced a bill to implement the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled. Adopted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2013, the goal of the Marrakesh Treaty is to create a set of mandatory limitations and exceptions for the benefit of blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print disabled readers. To date, the treaty has been ratified by 35 countries around the world.

The treaty requires that contracting states enact copyright exceptions that allow books and other creative works to be made available in accessible formats, such as braille and audiobooks, and to allow for the import and export of such materials. It is a tremendous step toward ensuring equal access for readers in participating countries, including many in the developing world, where the need for resources and access is especially acute. Although the United States already has exceptions in domestic copyright law to allow access to print-disabled readers, ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty will facilitate the exchange of works for the print-disabled across national borders and requires small changes to U.S. law.

As an organization that speaks out in support of the wide dissemination of knowledge and creativity to broad audiences—see, for example, our 2016 comment on Section 1201 of the U.S. Copyright Act, in support of copyright exemptions that benefit persons who are blind, visually impaired, or print-disabled—Authors Alliance fully supports Congress’ introduction of implementing legislation for the Marrakesh Treaty. And, as always, we will keep our members updated on these and other policy issues that directly affect authors and readers.

Authors Alliance Submits Reply Comment in 2018 DMCA Rulemaking

Posted March 15, 2018
photo of CD with padlock

photo by 422737 |CC0

In December 2017, Authors Alliance submitted comments to the U.S. Copyright Office in support of a modified exemption to Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) for multimedia e-books. The proposed modification would broaden the application of the current exemption (which allows for lawful circumvention of digital rights management technologies in non-fiction works offering film analysis) to embrace fictional e-books and e-books on subjects other than film analysis. This would allow a more diverse group of creators, such as fanfiction authors, to access the clips they need from DVD and Blu-ray discs to make fair use of video clips in their e-books.

Responses to that initial comment were filed last month. Now, joined by the American Association of University Professors, Organization for Transformative Works, the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, and Professor Bobette Buster, we have in turn submitted reply comments as part of the U.S. Copyright Office’s seventh triennial rulemaking process for 2018. The full text of the comment is included below.

Our comment explains that creators are interested in exercising their fair use rights by engaging in criticism and commentary in their creations, and it provides evidence that creators of content have been and will continue to be harmed absent the proposed modification to the current exemption.

Our advocacy in this area is ongoing. In 2015, as part of the sixth triennial rulemaking, Authors Alliance traveled to Washington, DC to testify in hearings before the U.S. Copyright Office. We will do so again in April of this year and will keep our readers updated on that testimony, as well as the results of the seventh triennial rulemaking.

2018.03.14 Reply Comment MM EBooks AuAll AAUP OTW IFTF Buster


Imagination Foregone: A Study of the Reuse Practices of Australian Creators

Posted March 13, 2018

headshot of Kylie PappalardoWe are grateful to Dr. Kylie Pappalardo of the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, for contributing the following guest post, which highlights the results of her recent work with Patricia Aufderheide, Jessica Stevens, and Nicolas Suzor on copyright and creative incentives in Australia.

Australian creators struggle to understand copyright law and how to manage it for their own projects. A new study has found that copyright law can act as a deterrent to new creation for many Australians, rather than an incentive for it.

Interviews with 29 Australian creators, including documentary filmmakers, writers, musicians and visual artists, sought to understand how creators reuse existing content to create new works. The study considered issues such as whether permission had been sought to reuse copyrighted content; the amount of time and cost involved in obtaining such permissions; and a creator’s recourse if permission was either denied or too expensive to obtain.

Confusion about copyright exceptions

The study highlights creators’ confusion about the scope and application of Australian copyright law. Creators were especially confused about legal exceptions to copyright infringement. Once participant remarked: “Everybody is out there flying a bit blind about this.”

Australian creators seeking to reuse existing content are in a different legal position to U.S. creators, because Australia does not have a fair use exception. Instead, Australia has limited “fair dealing” exceptions, which require the use to fit within a specific purpose—criticism and review; research or study; parody or satire; or reporting the news. Any uses that fall outside one of the designated purposes, such as lengthy quotes or remixes that are not parodies or critiques, require permission from the copyright owner.

In recent years, the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Australian Productivity Commission have recommended that Australia adopt a U.S.-style fair use exception. These recommendations attracted significant criticism from much of Australia’s creative sector, who thought that such an exception would be too broad and too uncertain. However, the new study suggests that these criticisms may be largely unfounded.

Australian creators in the study frequently confused fair use and fair dealing, and used the terms interchangeably. Rather than following the strict letter of the law, the creators interviewed used their own strong sense of morality and fairness to guide what reuse they considered to be acceptable. Creators most commonly focused on the creative elements that they added to a work, rather than what they had taken from an existing work. This is a norm that aligns more closely with the factors that courts use in assessing fair use, including whether a use has been transformative, than with the Australian law approaches to fair dealing.

Problems with seeking permission

For the majority interviewed, seeking permission to reuse copyrighted content was a source of great frustration and confusion. The process was variously described as “incredibly stressful,” “terrifying,” and “a total legal nightmare.”

Problems mostly centered on time delays and financial expenses. Creators found that the paperwork required to request permission was often long, complex and not standard across publishers and other rights-holder bodies. Many waited months for a response to a request; some never received one at all. Many reported feeling ignored and disrespected.

License fees were also an issue for the creators interviewed. License fees can be expensive, even for very small samples. Many creators thought that copyright fees demanded for reusing small samples were unfair and stifling.

Responses to copyright roadblocks

Common reactions to the restraints imposed by copyright law included avoiding and abandoning projects. A very small number of creators proceeded with their projects anyway, hoping to “fly under the radar,” but these were the minority. Some creators change projects to try to circumvent copyright restrictions. For example, filmmakers might degrade the sound on their films for scenes where background music might be playing, such as those filmed in a pub or restaurant.

Ideas were filtered out early at the brainstorming stage because they were “too risky” or licensing would be “too expensive.” Some people avoided entire areas of creativity, such as appropriation art, music sampling or documentaries about music or musicians, because it was all just “too hard.”

Lessons from the study

The Australian study suggests that more flexibility in the law might actually help to spur the creation of new Australian work. Australian creators could benefit from broader copyright exceptions that allow them to reuse small amounts of existing works in new creations, and from clarity and consistency around licensing procedures. The study indicates that there is a misalignment between creative norms and copyright law in many cases, and that law reform may be needed to meet the needs of Australia’s creative community.

More detail and specific examples of “imagination foregone” are in the full report: Kylie Pappalardo, Patricia Aufderheide, Jessica Stevens and Nicolas Suzor, Imagination Foregone: A qualitative study of the reuse practices of Australian creators (Nov 17). Funded with support from the Australian Digital Alliance.

Dr. Kylie Pappalardo researches in intellectual property and innovation law, focusing primarily on the intersection between copyright and creativity and the rights of copyright users. She is a Lecturer in the Law School at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia, where she leads the research program on copyright law and creative communities.


IPKat Interviews Brianna Schofield

Posted March 6, 2018

The intellectual property website IPKat recently featured an in-depth interview with Authors Alliance Executive Director Brianna Schofield. The Q&A covered topics ranging from our mission and membership to issues such as fair use and moral rights.  Read on for the full story!

Authors Alliance On the Road: Tampa, Florida

photo of Tampa skyline

photo by smccreedy1 | CC0

On March 8-10, Authors Alliance will travel to Tampa for the annual Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference and Bookfair. Following the success of last year’s presentation on copyright basics, we were again selected to present an educational panel at the conference—the largest professional gathering of writers, writing programs, and publishers in the United States.

This year’s presentation, “Untangling Copyright: A Crash Course for Creators,” features LeEtta Schmidt of the University of South Florida and David Hansen of Duke University. This panel discussion will provide a primer on copyright, fair use, and publishing terms. Authors will leave the panel armed with practical information that will empower them to make informed copyright decisions so they can focus on their writing. The discussion will be moderated by Authors Alliance executive director Brianna Schofield.

In addition to the panel, Authors Alliance will also staff an information booth at the AWP conference bookfair.  We will be available for the duration of the conference to distribute educational materials, speak directly with authors, and answer questions about issues such as copyright, contracts, rights reversion, open access, and termination of transfers.

We look forward to the opportunity to connect with authors, creators, and our members and spread the word about our tools and resources. If you are planning to attend AWP this year, be sure to stop by our table and say hello!

Fair Use and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Authors Alliance is grateful to Angel Antkers & Susan Miller, Student Attorneys, University of Colorado Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic, for contributing the following guest post to our series celebrating Fair Use Week 2018.

The fair use doctrine allows the unlicensed, unpermissioned use of a copyrighted work in certain situations. It functions, in part, to safeguard First Amendment interests in freedom of speech. But as the world moves toward more digital authorship and online content, fair use is encountering various obstacles.

In 1998, Congress enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the “DMCA”), which includes a provision, Section 1201, that makes it illegal to circumvent technological protection measures (like digital rights management, or “DRM”). Section 1201 makes it incredibly difficult for authors to make fair use of many digital works because breaking the DRM may be illegal, whether or not the use is fair. For example, if an author were to create an e-book that commented on a video clip from another work, the author might not be able to rely on fair use to incorporate a copy of the DRM-protected video clip in his or her work.

As a result, Section 1201 creates a chilling effect on speech. Authors may fear liability and as a result may choose not to create content in the first place. There is even pending litigation over whether the DMCA procedure itself is a speech licensing regime and unconstitutional as a result.

Some proponents of fair use believe the DMCA gives copyright holders far greater power than before its enactment. In addition to Section 1201, the expression of speech and creativity is also hindered by the DMCA’s notice and takedown provisions. Under Section 512’s notice and takedown provisions, if a copyright owner comes across infringing content online posted by another user, they may submit a notification to the online service provider hosting the content. Upon receiving the notice, the service provider may block access or remove the content in order to benefit from Section 512’s safe harbors for online service providers. Though a DMCA takedown notice may be sent for a valid purpose, other less legitimate reasons could also motivate a takedown notice. For example, if a copyright holder simply dislikes your First Amendment-protected critique of their work, they might send a takedown request. If the online service provider acts on the takedown request, it may limit your ability to speak freely through fair use.

Although some takedown requests may be a valid use of the DMCA’s notice and takedown provisions, abuses of notice and takedown abound. A recent instance of a takedown occurred when a gamer critiqued a video game and the developer initiated a DMCA takedown after a Twitter fight ensued between the gamer and developer. Thus, despite legitimate engagements with fair use, authors and creators alike may face difficulty in the context of the DMCA.

The University of Colorado Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law and Policy Clinic and the University of California Irvine Intellectual Property, Arts, and Technology Clinic have been working with Authors Alliance to help authors exercise their fair use rights under the DMCA. Most recently, we filed an exemption on behalf of authors in the face of the DMCA’s anti-circumvention restrictions. This exemption would allow authors to incorporate multimedia elements from DRM-protected works in fiction e-books. Without such an exemption, authors could face liability even if they were to engage in legitimate fair use under the current DMCA system.

In April of this year, as part of the U.S. Copyright Office’s triennial rulemaking process, the clinics and Authors Alliance will testify before the U.S. Copyright Office in Washington, DC and in Los Angeles in support of fair use under the DMCA. We will provide updates as the 2018 rulemaking process continues.


Revisiting Georgia State: Fair Use and Academic Incentives

Posted March 1, 2018

What effect does fair use have on incentives to create? For some academic authors, there is growing evidence that fair use will not diminish, and may even enhance, their incentives to create and distribute scholarly works because it promotes their goals of advancing the progress of knowledge, builds reputational capital, and increases the impact of their works.

Last year, Authors Alliance filed an amicus brief with the Eleventh Circuit in support of Georgia State University’s fair use defense in Cambridge University Press v. Becker. One issue we discussed in our brief is how our members’ experiences accord with the district court’s conclusion that academic authorial incentives to create scholarly book chapters would not be impaired by a fair use ruling. We explained that the primary motivation of academic authors to write scholarly book chapters is generally to share the knowledge and insights they have gained, and the type of reward that academic authors have generally sought and hoped to attain through writing scholarly book chapters is enhancement of their reputations.

Our brief highlighted quotes from several authors of book chapters at issue in the case who reflected on the benefit of fair use to their goals of reaching readers and contributing to academic discourse. For example, Norma Mertz, Professor of Higher Education Administration at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, wrote “I have no objection to the fair use of chapters from my books. Indeed, I find the suit to prevent use of such chapters a serious hindrance to the advancement of knowledge.” Other authors pointed to the benefits of publishing academic works. Douglas Harper, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Duquesne University, wrote “There is reputational benefit… to doing this work. … The point of this work is to share it!”

A subsequent survey of authors conducted by Brandon Butler and David Hansen reinforced these observations about academic authors’ incentives to create. Butler and Hansen wanted to test the hypothesis that most academics expect their work to be used freely for teaching, partly because academic authors make such uses themselves. They surveyed the authors affected by Georgia State litigation—primarily academic authors whose works had been excerpted by GSU professors in support of their teaching. Their results, although based on a small sample size, suggest that academic authors expect that their works will be used for educational purposes; indeed, many of them make such uses of others’ works as well, and are not highly incentivized to write by copyright restrictions or the promise of royalties.

As Hansen and Butler write in their survey analysis, “Authors faced with a publishing contract that includes a copyright transfer or license should consider whether they trust the publisher to enforce those rights in ways consistent with academic values and expectations.” This and other issues of interest to those considering publication options will be addressed in our forthcoming guide to publication contracts. The guide will be the fourth volume in our series of educational handbooks—stay tuned for a release later this year.

In the meantime:

Newly Updated: Fair Use FAQ

Posted February 28, 2018

Fair use has always been a key issue for Authors Alliance. When we launched in 2014, we created a Fair Use FAQ to help authors navigate this complex topic. Now, to celebrate Fair Use Week and our recently published guide to Fair Use for Nonfiction Authors, we’ve expanded and updated the FAQ to provide a comprehensive summary of key points. Read on to learn more!

  1. What is fair use anyway?
  2. What does it mean to say a use is “transformative”?
  3. What does it mean to say a use is “non-transformative”?
  4. Can I still claim fair use if I am using copyrighted material that is highly creative?
  5. Can I still claim fair use if I am using copyrighted material for commercial purposes?
  6. Can I still claim fair use if I ask the copyright owner for permission to use the material and permission is refused?
  7. Can I still claim fair use if I want to use copyrighted material that is unpublished?
  8. Are charts, graphs, and tables protected by copyright and, if so, can I rely on fair use to incorporate them into my nonfiction work?
  9. How does a work’s copyright status affect fair use?
  10. How does a work’s orphan work status affect fair use?
  11. Can contractual terms governing access to a work restrict the availability of fair use?
  12. Does the fair use analysis change when the copyrighted material I want to use is owned by a litigious estate?
  13. What can I do if my publisher asks me to obtain permission instead of allowing me to rely on fair use?
  14. Does fair use protect against claims based on legal rights other than copyright, such as privacy rights, trademark, defamation, right of publicity, and more?
  15. Is fair use really as unpredictable as some people say?
  16. What if there is no on-point best practice guide for me?
  17. Where can I learn more?

What is fair use anyway?

In U.S. copyright law, fair use is a use of a copyrighted work that does not infringe the exclusive rights that the law confers on authors and other rights holders.

Section 107 of the U.S. copyright act identifies four factors that courts should consider in determining whether a use is fair or infringing:

  1. The purpose and character of the challenged use;
  2. The nature of the copyrighted work;
  3. The amount and substantiality of the challenged use; and
  4. The harm the challenged use is likely to cause to the market or potential market for the work.

No factor is dispositive; all must be weighed together.

Uses for criticism, commentary, news reporting, research, scholarship, and teaching are identified in the statute as examples of favored uses. Noncommercial uses are generally more likely than commercial uses to be fair. Transformative uses are also more likely than non-transformative uses to be fair.

The scope of fair use tends to be somewhat broader for fact-intensive works, especially when done for one of the favored purposes.

A good shorthand way of considering whether a use you want to make of another’s work will be fair is whether the amount you borrowed from the other’s work is reasonable in light of your purpose and unlikely to supplant demand for purchase of the original.

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What does it mean to say a use is “transformative”?

A use will be considered “transformative” if it:

  1. Actually transforms expression in the work, as a parody of a song might do;
  2. Is included in a new work of authorship, as quoting from the writings of a person in a biography;
  3. Is used for a different purpose than the original, causing it to have a different meaning, as when a newspaper publishes a photograph that has become controversial.

Transformative uses will not always be fair. A new arrangement of a song, for instance, may well infringe the derivative work right. But especially when done for purposes of criticism or commentary, the transformativeness of a use will tend to tip in favor of fair use.

Courts have recently been receptive to the idea that copyright owners do not have the right to control all transformative uses of their works. Transformative uses are less likely than non-transformative uses to pose a risk of supplanting market demand for a work.

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What does it mean to say a use is “non-transformative”?

A use will be considered “non-transformative” if it is, for example, an exact copy of a work or part of a work. Making a time-shift copy of a television program is an example of a non-transformative use that courts have deemed fair. Posting a chapter of a book on an electronic course reserve system is another example of a non-transformative use. (The Cambridge University Press v. Becker case, which is presently pending before an appellate court, is testing whether this kind of use is fair.) Scanning a photograph you like and posting it online is a third example of a non-transformative use.

Non-transformative uses may be and often are fair uses, but they are somewhat less likely to be fair uses insofar as they pose a stronger risk of harming the market for the work. If someone makes a copy of a movie or computer program, for instance, instead of buying a copy of his own, that non-transformative use is more likely to have a negative effect on the copyright owner’s market. Even though one person’s peer-to-peer file-sharing of music or a movie would seem to be relatively trivial, courts take into account that if they say this use is fair, then many others will do the same thing and the aggregation of these uses are likely to cause market harm.

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Can I still claim fair use if I am using copyrighted material that is highly creative?

Yes. While courts do consider whether the copyrighted material used is primarily factual or creative under the second factor, “the nature of the work,” this factor is rarely decisive on its own. Courts still must weigh all four factors, including the “purpose of the use.” Where the purpose of the use is transformative, such as when a nonfiction author comments on copyrighted material or uses copyrighted material to support a point, and the amount used is reasonable, the second factor rarely affects the final outcome of fair use cases.

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Can I still claim fair use if I am using copyrighted material for commercial purposes?

Yes. While “noncommercial” uses may be a plus in a fair use analysis, there are no categorical rules: Commercial uses can be fair use, and not all noncommercial uses will be fair use. In fact, some of the important court victories for fair use over the past two decades have been won by defendants whose activities were commercial, including musicians, publishers, and artists who sell their work (sometimes at substantial prices).

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Can I still claim fair use if I ask the copyright owner for permission to use the material and permission is refused?

Yes. You do not have to ask permission or alert the copyright holder when a use of materials is protected by fair use. But, if you choose, you may inquire about permissions and still claim fair use if your request is refused or ignored. In some cases, courts have found that asking permission and then being rejected has actually enhanced fair use claims. In fact, the Supreme Court has said that asking for permission may be a good faith effort to avoid litigation.

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Can I still claim fair use if I want to use copyrighted material that is unpublished?

Yes. Congress amended the Copyright Act in 1992 to explicitly allow for fair use when using unpublished works after several court decisions suggested that the use of unpublished materials would rarely be fair use. Under current copyright law, the fact that a work is unpublished “shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the [fair use] factors.”

While a court may still consider a work’s unpublished status to weigh against fair use when evaluating the “nature of the work,” this factor is rarely decisive on its own and courts still must weigh all of the fair use factors, including the purpose of the use. The purpose of the use may weigh against fair use if the unpublished material is being used in a frivolous or exploitative manner. On the other hand, the purpose of the use may weigh in favor of fair use if the unpublished material transforms the original material (by, for example, using the original material as the object of criticism or commentary) and contributes to the public’s interest in advancing knowledge.

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Are charts, graphs, and tables protected by copyright and, if so, can I rely on fair use to incorporate them into my nonfiction work?

Charts, graphs, and tables may be protected by copyright, but the underlying facts are not copyrightable. Creative choices in the way that facts are presented in a chart, graph, or table may be sufficiently original to warrant copyright protection. That said, where applicable, you may still be able to rely on fair use to use a chart, graph, or table that includes expressive elements.

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How does a work’s copyright status affect fair use?

Copying of works that are not protected by copyright is not copyright infringement, regardless of fair use. But sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a work is protected by copyright. For example, you may not be able to determine whether a work’s copyright has expired, or you may not be sure whether a scientific chart has the requisite level of creativity to warrant copyright protection. Even where you cannot determine a work’s copyright status, you may still want to understand whether the use of the material would be permitted by fair use should the material be protected by copyright. In fact, in some cases determining whether the use would be permitted by fair use may be easier than resolving the work’s copyright status.

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How does a work’s orphan work status affect fair use?

Orphan works are works for which it is difficult or impossible to identify or locate the work’s copyright owner, even after a diligent search. The use of an orphan work may be permitted by fair use, just like any other work. In fact, orphan works often have characteristics that make fair use more likely. For example, orphan works are by definition not active in the market, limiting any resulting economic harm to rightsholders. In some cases, determining whether the use of an orphan work would be permitted by fair use may be significantly easier than securing permission from a rights holder that, by definition, is difficult or even impossible to track down.

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Can contractual terms governing access to a work restrict the availability of fair use?

Yes. For example, some archives, museums, and commercial collections that control access to works place contractual restrictions on the use of those works, even when use of the work would otherwise be permitted by fair use (and, in some cases, even when the work itself is in the public domain!). This is beginning to change, and some archives and museums have already abandoned these practices. However, if you are a party to such a contract, your ability to use materials you’ve accessed may be limited by the terms of the contract. For example, a biographer who accesses her subject’s personal papers through an archive may find that, as a condition of accessing those materials, the subject’s estate forbids quoting from the materials without the express permission of the estate. Similarly, an art critic may find that he has agreed to terms governing the use of photographs he accessed through an online archive.

At least some courts have held that such contracts may be enforced, even if the restricted use would be fair use as a matter of copyright law. In these cases, nonfiction authors cannot rely on fair use since demands for permission in this context are based on contractual claims, not copyright. As such, nonfiction authors should pay careful attention to the conditions of access to source materials and may want to consider negotiating for better terms that do not restrict their research and writing goals.

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Does the fair use analysis change when the copyrighted material I want to use is owned by a litigious estate?

No. Some estates are notoriously aggressive in trying to prevent the use of materials to which they own the copyrights. However, just because a copyright owner is forceful in asserting copyright claims doesn’t make fair use any more or less likely. It may, however, change your assessment of the practical risk that a copyright owner might complain or sue. Authors in this situation may be especially interested in obtaining errors and omissions coverage prior to publicizing their work.

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What can I do if my publisher asks me to obtain permission instead of allowing me to rely on fair use?

Some publishers may require that authors get permission to use copyrighted materials in their works instead of allowing them to rely on fair use. If you find yourself in this situation, you may find it helpful to ask your publisher to reconsider its position and to explain why you think your intended use is protected by fair use. You may also want to share with them related codes of best practices, if relevant. If fair use is important to you or essential to your project, you may want to search for a publisher that recognizes fair use before signing a publishing contract.

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Does fair use protect against claims based on legal rights other than copyright, such as privacy rights, trademark, defamation, right of publicity, and more?

No. Fair use is a limitation on exclusive right under copyright and does not apply to other legal claims. When using third party materials, authors should consider legal issues beyond copyright, such as contractual restrictions, privacy rights, trademark law, right of publicity, and defamation; and community norms, like rules against academic plagiarism.

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Is fair use really as unpredictable as some people say?

It is sometimes said that fair use is unpredictable. Larry Lessig, for instance, spoke of fair use as “the right to hire a lawyer.” For some people, this perception of unpredictability has a chilling effect (that is, they are unwilling to take the risk that the use will be held unfair).

To provide guidance, the Center for Media and Social Impact at American University has published some “best practices” guidelines to help people become more comfortable with making fair uses, including one for documentary filmmakers and one for user-generated video content (remixes and mashups). The Center for Media and Social Impact has published a template to help users in particular communities to form their own best practices guidelines.

The “best practices” approach is catching on.  In fact, Authors Alliance published a guide to Fair Use for Nonfiction Authors, which features guidance based on a meta-analysis of existing best practices guides.

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What if there is no on-point best practice guide for me?

Even if no best practice guidelines exist for your community, it is worth knowing that there is more predictability in the fair use caselaw than some have suggested. As noted above, a use is likely to be fair if done for a purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, teaching and research as long as what you take from another’s work is reasonable in light of your purpose. Here are some examples:

  • Quoting small amounts of text (8% or less) from each of 25 writings in a critical biography of L. Ron Hubbard was held a fair use in New Era Publications Int’l ApS v. Carol Publishing Group in 1990.
  • Reproducing seven posters in significantly reduced sizes that had once advertised Grateful Dead concerts in a 480 page book on the cultural history of the band was held to a fair use in Bill Graham Archives v. Dorling Kindersley in 2006.
  • Preparing a reference work about the characters, plot, and special features of fictional works was held to be fair use in Warner Bros. Entertainment v. RDR Books (although RDR had to change some places where there was very close paraphrasing of passages from Harry Potter novels) in 2008.
  • Scanning student papers into a database designed to detect plagiarism was held fair use in A.V. v. iParadigms in 2009.
  • Retelling the story of Gone With the Wind from the vantage point of a slave was held a fair use in Suntrust Bank v. Houghton Mifflin Co. (However, an unauthorized sequel to Catcher in the Rye, imagining Holden Caulfield as an old man, was held unfair in Salinger v. Colting. Sequels, in general, are likely to be considered infringing derivative works. One reason the use was fair in Suntrust was because of it was a critical commentary on the original and the Mitchell estate made clear it would never have licensed this kind of use of the famous novel.)

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Where can I learn more?

For further reading on fair use, we recommend:

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