Category Archives: Open Access

Our Guide to Understanding Open Access is Coming Soon!

Posted October 23, 2015

OA Guide Cover

In celebration of Open Access Week, we are offering sneak previews of our forthcoming guide, Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How To Make Your Work Openly Accessible. This guide is the second volume in our series of educational handbooks, following on the success of Understanding Rights Reversion. Our goal is to encourage our members to consider open access publishing by addressing common questions and concerns and by providing real-life strategies and tools that authors can use to work with publishers, institutions, and funders to make their works more widely accessible to all. We will officially launch the guide on November 3 during our workshop on “Writing To Be Read” at the New York Public Library. In the meantime, here’s a short excerpt from Chapter 1 about the scope of Understanding Open Access.

Are you considering making your work openly accessible?

Are you required to make your work openly accessible by an institutional or funding mandate?

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions—or just want to learn more about open access—then read on! Understanding Open Access is for authors of all backgrounds, fields, and disciplines, from the sciences to the humanities. Because the open access ecosystem in academia is particularly complex, this guide is largely geared to the needs of authors working for academic institutions or under funding mandates. However, many chapters are suitable for authors who write other in contexts, and we encourage all authors interested in open access to read those sections relevant to their needs.

This guide will help you determine whether open access is right for you and your work and, if so, how to make your work openly accessible. This primer on open access explains what “open access” means, addresses common concerns and misconceptions you may have about open access, and provides you with practical steps to take if you wish to make your work openly accessible.

For example, this guide will help you:

  • Learn more about open access and related options;
  • Comply with an open access policy from an employer or funding agency;
  • Select the terms on which you would like to make a work openly accessible;
  • Publish a work with an open access publisher;
  • Make a work openly accessible on a personal or group website;
  • Deposit a work in an open access repository;
  • Negotiate with a conventional publisher to make a work openly accessible;
  • And much more.

This guide is the product of extensive interviews with authors, publishers, and institutional representatives who shared their perspectives on open access options in today’s publishing environment. The information, strategies, and examples included in this guide share the collective wisdom of our interviewees, members, and other experts.

We hope these excerpts have been helpful, and we look forward to launching the guide in early November. Until then, if you have questions or comments, or wish to share your own experiences with open access publishing, get in touch and let us know!

Understanding Open Access:
The Human Side of Machine Readability

Posted October 22, 2015

OA Guide Cover

In celebration of Open Access Week, we are offering sneak previews of our forthcoming guide, Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How To Make Your Work Openly Accessible. This guide is the second volume in our series of educational handbooks, following on the success of Understanding Rights Reversion. Our goal is to encourage our members to consider open access publishing by addressing common questions and concerns and by providing real-life strategies and tools that authors can use to work with publishers, institutions, and funders to make their works more widely accessible to all. We will officially launch the guide on November 3 during our workshop on “Writing To Be Read” at the New York Public Library. In the meantime, here’s a short excerpt from Chapter 4 about the benefits of technical openness and machine readability.

Removing legal restrictions on use is a key component of making your work openly accessible. Authors may also want to consider additional factors that shape how available their works are for readers to fully access, share, and reuse. Making a work available in a machine-readable format can increase readers’ ability to access and use your work and maximize its reuse.

Cory Doctorow is a fiction writer, activist, blogger, and journalist and a member of Authors Alliance. After making his novel Little Brother openly accessible, Mr. Doctorow received a braille copy of the book from Patricia Smith, a Detroit public school teacher of visually impaired students. Although braille versions may be permissible under one or more copyright exceptions, creating a braille version often first requires painstakingly entering text into a digital format. This obstacle prevents many works from being translated into braille. However, because the text of Little Brother is openly available without technical limitations to prevent its copying, printing, and sharing, Ms. Smith was able to directly run the book’s digital file through a braille embosser and make the book available to her visually impaired students.

Ms. Smith also included a note, which stated: “What I could not enclose is the gratitude from my braille reading students. For various reasons, most books in braille are aimed at younger children. My students are all between the ages of 12 and 15 and have no real interest in reading a Kindergarten level book. I was finally able to give them something interesting, compelling, and, most importantly at their grade level.”

Machine-readable formats enable search engines to index the entire text of a work, in turn making it easier for readers to search for and find works. Making metadata about your work available in standardized formats also enhances your work’s machine-readability and helps readers find it. Metadata includes information such as the author’s name, institutional affiliation, the title of the work, an abstract, and open access license terms. Open access repositories commonly include this metadata when a work is uploaded to the repository.

We will post excerpts from Understanding Open Access throughout the week. If you have questions or comments, or wish to share your own experiences with open access publishing, get in touch and let us know!

Understanding Open Access:
Can Monographs Be Openly Accessible?

Posted October 21, 2015

OA Guide Cover

In celebration of Open Access Week, we are offering sneak previews of our forthcoming guide, Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How To Make Your Work Openly Accessible. This guide is the second volume in our series of educational handbooks, following on the success of Understanding Rights Reversion. Our goal is to encourage our members to consider open access publishing by addressing common questions and concerns and by providing real-life strategies and tools that authors can use to work with publishers, institutions, and funders to make their works more widely accessible to all. We will officially launch the guide on November 3 during our workshop on “Writing To Be Read” at the New York Public Library. In the meantime, here’s a short excerpt from Chapter 1 about monographs and open access.

Conventional publication and open access are not mutually exclusive. For example, many conventional publishers allow authors who publish with them to also upload the authors’ final versions of their works to open access repositories. In such cases, authors can benefit from the imprint of a well-established print publisher while still making their works openly accessible.

Many publishers are developing programs to make books openly accessible. For example, the University of California Press recently launched Luminos, an open access publishing program for monographs. Authors who publish with Luminos can make digital editions of their books openly accessible under the University of California Press imprint. Open Humanities Press has also launched an open access program for monographs, making the books it publishes in print available as full-text digital editions published under open licenses.

Book authors who are interested in open access may choose to negotiate with conventional publishers to publish their books in print but also retain the rights to make their books openly accessible. Authors who have already assigned their rights to conventional publishers may be able to exercise or negotiate for rights reversions that would allow them to make their books openly accessible. For more on this possibility, please see the Authors Alliance guide Understanding Rights Reversion: When, Why, and How to Regain Copyright and Make Your Book More Available.

We will post excerpts from Understanding Open Access throughout the week. If you have questions or comments, or wish to share your own experiences with open access publishing, get in touch and let us know!

Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible

Posted October 20, 2015

Open Access cover

In celebration of Open Access Week, we are offering sneak previews of our forthcoming guide, Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How To Make Your Work Openly Accessible. This guide is the second volume in our series of educational handbooks, following on the success of Understanding Rights Reversion. Our goal is to encourage our members to consider open access publishing by addressing common questions and concerns and by providing real-life strategies and tools that authors can use to work with publishers, institutions, and funders to make their works more widely accessible to all. We will officially launch the guide on November 3 during our workshop on “Writing To Be Read” at the New York Public Library. In the meantime, here’s a short excerpt from Chapter 2 on the benefits of open access.

Open access removes price barriers and harnesses the power of the Internet to enable readers to find works more easily. For example, openly accessible works are often full-text indexed, helping potential readers easily locate a work using a search engine, and, importantly, access the work without being turned away by pay walls.

As a result of this increased discoverability and access, some authors find that open access increases their readership. The majority of studies find that open access leads to a greater number of citations. Regardless of whether their works are in fact cited more frequently, many authors find that open access increases their works’ visibility, helping it to reach readers and benefit the public.

Shawn Martin is a Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University of Pennsylvania and Authors Alliance member. Open access facilitated the translation and wide dissemination of Mr. Martin’s work. After he deposited an article about library publishing infrastructure in the University of Pennsylvania’s Scholarly Commons repository, a group of librarians found Mr. Martin’s article and, with his permission, translated it into Romanian. The work was subsequently translated into Russian and several other Eastern European languages. Because Mr. Martin’s article has been translated into so many languages, it is cited in proceedings and conferences around the world. According to Mr. Martin, “Opening up access can allow audiences you never intended to find value in your work, and in my view that’s a great thing.”

Some authors have even found that widespread dissemination of their openly accessible works stimulates demand for print copies of their works, contributing to royalties for these authors.

We will post excerpts from Understanding Open Access throughout the week. If you have questions or comments, or wish to share your own experiences with open access publishing, get in touch and let us know!

Lydia Loren on Semaphore Press


Authors Alliance Founding Member Lydia Loren from Lewis and Clark Law School explains how her publishing company, Semaphore Press, is working to produce affordable, high-quality casebooks for use in law school classrooms. She discusses how the Semaphore Press business model is designed to both adequately remunerate casebook authors and ensure that students have access to the educational materials they need.

Learn more about Semaphore Press.

Announcing our Open Access FAQ

Posted October 20, 2014

It’s now Open Access Week, an annual event that celebrates and promotes open access to scholarship and research. Open access is consonant with the Authors Alliance mission of representing and enabling authors who write to be read, and we are pleased to join in this year’s festivities.

To begin the week, we’ve prepared an FAQ on Open Access that explains a few of the ins and outs of open access and the options available to authors who would like to make their work openly available. We’ll continue to update the FAQ as time goes on, and we’re happy to consider member questions on open access emailed to

Read the FAQ here.

Open Access FAQ

by Pamela Samuelson and Molly Van Houweling, Authors Alliance Co-Founders.
Last updated Oct. 20, 2014.

  1. What is “open access”?
  2. Who is adopting open access?
  3. Is this just for academics?
  4. What are the barriers to open access for authors who want to adopt it?
  5. How do university-wide open access policies work?
  6. What do the terms “Green OA” and “Gold OA” mean?
  7. What is the relationship between Open Access and Authors Alliance? Is Authors Alliance only for authors who make all of their work available on open access terms? What about authors who need to sell copies of their books?
  8. Are there any advantages of assigning copyrights to publishers or other intermediaries?
  9. Where can I learn more?

What is “open access”?

Many authors are choosing to make their works available free of charge and with few, if any, restrictions on reuse. The term “open access” is commonly used to describe this practice and the movement that promotes it. Open access contrasts with more traditional models of “restricted access” publishing in which copies of works are only made available to paying customers and, in the case of libraries, their patrons.

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Who is adopting open access?

Choosing open access is most common among those who want to use the power of the internet to share their findings and scholarship with as broad a readership as possible. These authors want to reach people all over the world, including those who might not have access to libraries that subscribe to expensive scholarly journals. Some researchers accomplish this by posting their scholarly works on their own websites or in institutional repositories and indicating that anyone may copy and redistribute those works. This practice is consistent with the requirements of a growing number of funding agencies that demand that the research they fund be made accessible to the public. (See, for example, the NIH Public Access Policy and California’s newly-enacted Taxpayer Access to Publicly Funded Research Act.)

Open access is especially attractive to authors who are paid salaries or receive grant funding to produce research and scholarship. Such authors are less likely to rely on revenue from the sales of copies of their works to fund their research and writing. In fact, in the scholarly journal publishing context, authors do not typically receive royalties or other payments based on the sale of copies of their articles. What they receive instead are the rewards associated with impacting both fellow scholars and the public at large—rewards that can be enhanced by open access.

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Is this just for academics?

While the term “open access” is generally used in reference to scholarship, salaried researchers are far from the only authors attracted to the open access model. For example, the standardized open access licenses promulgated by Creative Commons (“CC”) have been adopted by writers, graphic artists, photographers, musicians, filmmakers, and all types of creators who want to see their works widely accessed, shared, and even adapted into new works. They choose from among a menu of licenses depending on whether they want to allow commercial or only non-commercial use, whether they want to allow adaptations or only verbatim copies, and whether they want to require any adaptations to be licensed under the same terms. All of the standard CC licenses require proper attribution, although CC also offers a separate legal tool called “CC0” for those who want to waive copyright altogether and opt into “no rights reserved.”

A number of other open access licensing models are available, especially for computer programs. The GNU General Purpose License (“GPL”) is one of the best known of these. GPL software can be reproduced, distributed, and adapted, so long as adapters release their source code and license it on GPL terms.

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What are the barriers to open access for authors who want to adopt it?

Author-initiated open access—even via self-archiving on an author’s own website—is inconsistent with the once-prevalent practice of assigning copyrights to publishers or granting publishers exclusive copyright licenses. Under the terms of such agreements, publishers can (and sometimes do) object when authors distribute their own works on open access terms. Authors committed to open access need to retain the rights to distribute their own work and authorize others to reuse it.

This is more challenging for some authors than for others. Scholars who write about contemporary art, for example, must often clear rights to reproduce images in articles commenting on these copyrighted creations (although some use is permitted under copyright’s fair use doctrine). It may be more difficult to negotiate permission to include images in open access works than in a limited print run of paper journals.

For other authors, the prestige of publishing an article in a leading peer-reviewed journal whose publisher insists on assignments of copyright may be a strong incentive to choose not to make works available on an open access basis. This is especially of concern to junior faculty whose tenure applications may depend on a publication record in top peer-reviewed proprietary journals, and to scholars in fields without established open access outlets.

These obstacles should fall, however, as open access journals establish their own reputations and proliferate across disciplines, as existing journals adopt more open practices, and as senior scholars signal the value of maximizing scholarly dissemination. Options are also increasing for authors who want to apply open access principles to books as well as articles. (See, for example, the new initiative at UC Press.) The Authors Alliance hopes to contribute to ongoing efforts to establish new models of dissemination that work for every author who wants to use open access to be more widely read.

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How do university-wide open access policies work?

When faculty members assign their copyrights to publishers, their universities (which often paid for the costs of developing the materials in the first place) end up having to pay high prices to purchase back the works of their own faculty. And faculty members who have assigned copyrights cannot make their own scholarship publicly available or authorize others to reuse it.

To overcome these problems and improve the flow of scholarly communication, many university faculties have expressed their collective commitments to open access. They have adopted policies under which faculty members agree to deposit their articles into institutional repositories and to grant the permission necessary for those repositories to make the articles available for public access and reuse.

When faculty authors at these institutions insist on instead granting exclusive rights to publishers, they must seek waivers of their open access policies. Although most such policies grant waivers liberally, they nonetheless change the default practice away from exclusive publisher rights under restrictive terms and toward open access. Evidence so far suggests that waiver requests are rare and that many scholarly journal publishing agreements now reserve to authors the rights necessary to make at least the author’s final version (before the publishers’ edits and formatting) available on open access terms.

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What do the terms “Green OA” and “Gold OA” mean?

Both authors and publishers can implement open access. When authors make their own work available—whether on their personal websites, their institutional repositories, or on third-party repositories like—the practice is commonly called “Green Open Access.”

Increasingly, publishers themselves are adopting open access models. When a publisher is the party making open access works available to the public, the practice is called “Gold Open Access.”

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What is the relationship between Open Access and Authors Alliance? Is Authors Alliance only for authors who make all of their work available on open access terms? What about authors who need to sell copies of their books?

Helping authors make their works available on open access terms is consistent with the mission of Authors Alliance: assisting and representing authors who want to disseminate knowledge and products of the imagination broadly. But open access is not the only way for authors to promote the broad dissemination of their works, and Authors Alliance will help authors pursuing a wide range of approaches.

For example, many authors assign their copyrights to commercial publishers in order to earn advances and royalties, but years later are earning nothing because their books are out of print. Authors Alliance is developing educational resources and tools that will help such authors reclaim their rights (by exercising options in their original contracts or renegotiating with their publishers). Some authors may want to reclaim copyrights in order to put the works in the public domain or make them available through open access licensing. Other authors will want to reclaim rights in order to self-publish or make new arrangements with publishers so their out-of-print works avoid digital oblivion. Bringing a book back into print or making it newly available in digital form makes it more accessible than before and therefore contributes to our mission. And our advice on rights reversions will be useful to both those who choose open access and those who opt for more proprietary alternatives.

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Are there any advantages of assigning copyrights to publishers or other intermediaries?

Authors who rely for their livelihoods on advances and royalties from publishers who sell copies of their books or articles often assign copyrights (or grant exclusive licenses) to those publishers in order to secure both publication and compensation. In addition to needing compensation in order to make their livings, these authors may prefer to have their publishers deal with copyright registration, detecting infringement and sending cease and desist letters, and other copyright details about which the publisher is likely to have more expertise than the individual author (although many authors in this situation have agents to help them navigate the process).

Note, however, that these preferences may be time-limited, relevant only for the commercial life of an author’s books and articles. Most works stop earning money long before their copyrights expire. At this point publishers may lose interest while authors will want to find ways to ensure that their intellectual legacies live on. Authors Alliance will be developing resources to help all authors better understand the consequences of copyright assignments and how they might be adjusted them over time.

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Where can I learn more?

Researchers committed to open access have developed refined definitions of it and articulated policies supporting it, including the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, the Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, and the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

These definitions are broad enough to encompass a range of different specific practices for sharing works of authorship and granting permission to reuse them. It can therefore be useful to think about open access along a continuum, asking “how open is it?” using this guide produced by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition and Public Library of Science.

Other excellent sources of information about Open Access include:

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UC Press Pioneers the Scholarly Monograph’s Open Access Future

Posted September 8, 2014

By Authors Alliance co-founder Tom Leonard, University Librarian at the University of California, Berkeley.

Image derived from one by Mike Fernwood, used under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

Last Spring the view out the windows of the University of California Press was a glass-skinned energy lab dedicated to saving the planet. This fall, the Press’s move from Berkeley to Oakland completed, editors look out on a glass-skinned cathedral that is dedicated to saving souls. The Press now wants to use both technology and exaltation to save the book.

Not all books, but simply the good ones that scholars write to be read. These need saving. Today, most original scholarship, well written and edited, can expect book sales of only several hundred copies. A few score research libraries buy these books; they are not easily found by anyone. Their authors would like to see their contributions to knowledge discovered, explored, and discussed, but all too often traditional publication models don’t serve these ends.

Indeed, if they are not available as e-books that easily pop into view, they join the ranks of the great unread. We used to use that term for volumes that had slept quietly in the stacks for decades because they were off the reading lists of the academy. Shorter press runs and high prices needed to cover fixed costs commit more books to this fate than ever before.

Most university presses face this challenge. National organizations such as the Association of American Universities and the Association of Research Libraries have sketched ways to save the long arguments that are uniquely supported by books. Mellon and other foundations have worked with the Association of American University Presses to find solutions. As a veteran of many big think meetings on this problem, I have found the good will a sign of the health of higher education. But what we have not had until now is a first mover with a sustainable business plan. UC Press is now taking the lead (a judgment that I do not believe is biased by my service on their Board).

Alison Mudditt and her deputy director Rebekah Darksmith have stepped over the morass of platforms and ways to “capture reader eyeballs” for press output that has slowed other publishers. UC Press will find high-tech partners to produce e-books. The Press, however, will control the selection and editing, maintaining its stringent standards and removing any impression that the author’s vanity is the true driver. Books will be “free at launch” as an e-book. The open access (OA) book will display on the platform of the reader’s choosing. These titles will be marketed, supported for awards submission, and available in a print on demand (paper) copy at an attractive price.

UC Press figures that books it publishes in traditional editions cost $34,000 to produce, warehousing and distributing paper being a significant part. This will continue to be the path for many Press titles. The new OA approach for perhaps 15 titles in 2015, looks to be a $14,000 investment per title. That sum can be captured from the subsidies that are now going to produce these volumes with a paper edition only, the costs that Libraries would willingly contribute because they are now pointing readers to resources that are free and not always making purchases, and from the revenues that will flow from print on demand revenue. As is the case today, the author too will be tapped and so her dean or department will be asked to support the publication. UC Press will be building a fund to help authors, particularly important for independent scholars.

This will take some getting used to. But long arguments in the social sciences and humanities do not have bright futures if left to the business logic of scholarly book publishing. These books will not make the leap to an e-book reading culture. Today, after much hard work, most university presses gain no more than an eighth of their revenue from selling e-books. The market is not really telling them to find an alternative to high-priced traditional volumes with very low press runs; even though this approach disfavors the accessibility scholarly authors need in order to be read. There may have been gains in watchful waiting, but surely we have now banked all of these dividends. Today academic publishers need a first mover, as much to help these disciplines as to help themselves. A print-first/only model will, the Press has concluded, risk leaving these fields “out of the vibrant world of digital scholarship and debate.” Indeed, exaltation about scholarship is as important as the bottom line.