Category Archives: Resources

Meet the Contracts Guide Team!

Posted May 29, 2018

We at Authors Alliance are hard at work on a new guide to Understanding Book Publication Contracts, the fourth volume in our series of educational handbooks that will empower authors to make savvy decisions when negotiating their contracts. Work on the guide is going smoothly, and it would not have been possible without two standout members […]

Authors Alliance Supports Consideration of Termination of Transfer Provisions in South Africa

Posted May 16, 2018

The Parliament of the Republic of South Africa is currently considering the Copyright Amendment Bill, an update of the country’s 1978 copyright legislation. The proposed bill includes a provision for termination of transfers. Today, we submitted a letter to South Africa’s Members of Parliament in support of a carefully drafted termination provision that would allow […]

We Have Liftoff! Support our Kickstarter Campaign Today

Posted May 15, 2018

Up, up, and away! Announcing the launch of “Know Before You Sign on the Dotted Line”—our first-ever Kickstarter campaign! We’ve created this crowdfunding project to support the production of our latest educational resource, a guide to Understanding Book Publication Contracts. Signing a contract is a key step in an author’s career, but feedback from our […]

Creative Commons Summit Builds Momentum for Strengthening Author Rights

Posted May 8, 2018

We would like to thank Creative Commons General Counsel Diane Peters for contributing the following post, which originally appeared on the Creative Commons blog on May 7 under a CC-BY license. The Creative Commons 2018 Global Summit in Toronto brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to explore strategies for increasing author choices for managing […]

When to Update or Supplement a Copyright Registration

Posted April 25, 2018

Copyright registration is a claim to copyright filed with the U.S. Copyright Office which creates a public record of facts about a copyrighted work, including authorship and ownership information. Although authors do not need to register their works in order to enjoy the protection of copyright law, registration has several benefits which make it an […]

Rights Reversion Success Story: Jessamyn West

Posted April 17, 2018

As part of our occasional Q&A series on alternative publishing models, we talked with librarian extraordinaire Jessamyn West, who successfully reverted rights to her book Without A Net, and released it under a CC-BY license on, a website that uses crowdfunding to support the release of e-books that are made freely available by a variety […]

Authors Alliance Testifies in Support of Fair Use at the Library of Congress

Posted April 12, 2018

A key policy issue at Authors Alliance is our support for authors’ right to make fair use in the digital age. In May 2015, we participated in the U.S. Copyright Office’s sixth triennial rulemaking, and testified in support of exemptions to Section 1201 of the DMCA that would protect the fair use rights of e-book […]

Readers And Book Markets Benefit From Authors Reclaiming Their Rights

Posted April 3, 2018

The following guest post by Paul Heald describes his recent analysis of the beneficial effect of rights reversion and termination of transfer in the traditional and ebook markets. Heald is the Richard W. and Marie L. Corman Professor of Law at the University of Illinois. He is also a fellow and associated researcher at CREATe, […]

Rights Reversion Success Story: Dale Cannon

Posted March 27, 2018

Dale Cannon is Professor Emeritus of philosophy and comparative religion at Western Oregon University. In March of 2017, he reverted rights to his religious studies textbook, Six Ways of Being Religious and made the book available under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license in Western Oregon Library’s Digital Commons open access repository. During the past year, […]

AWP Authors Inform Our Upcoming Guide to Publication Contracts

Posted March 22, 2018

Earlier this month, Authors Alliance attended the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference in Tampa, Florida. We presented a panel discussion on copyright basics with LeEtta Schmidt of the University of South Florida and Dave Hansen of Duke University, and staffed an information table at the conference bookfair. We were joined by UC […]