Category Archives: Resources

Authors Alliance Submits Reply Comment in 2018 DMCA Rulemaking

Posted March 15, 2018

In December 2017, Authors Alliance submitted comments to the U.S. Copyright Office in support of a modified exemption to Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) for multimedia e-books. The proposed modification would broaden the application of the current exemption (which allows for lawful circumvention of digital rights management technologies in non-fiction works […]

Revisiting Georgia State: Fair Use and Academic Incentives

Posted March 1, 2018

What effect does fair use have on incentives to create? For some academic authors, there is growing evidence that fair use will not diminish, and may even enhance, their incentives to create and distribute scholarly works because it promotes their goals of advancing the progress of knowledge, builds reputational capital, and increases the impact of […]

Amanda Levendowski on Fair Use for Fairer AI

Posted February 27, 2018

The principles of copyright law sometimes have a way of appearing in unexpected places. Recently we featured an article by Christopher Sprigman that examines assumptions about copyright as a spur to creativity by considering examples as diverse as Italian opera and Bollywood movies. Today, as part of Fair Use Week, we are highlighting new research […]

Copyright Registration Part 2:
How to Register Your Copyright

Posted February 21, 2018

Last week we outlined the benefits of registering your work with the U.S. Copyright Office. If you missed it, start here to learn why registration is an advantageous practice for authors. In the second half of this two-part series, we explain how to register your works with the U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright registration is a […]

Copyright Registration Part 1:
Why Register Your Copyright?

Posted February 14, 2018

Under today’s copyright laws, copyright protection for original, creative works is automatic from the moment the work is “fixed in a tangible medium” (e.g., as soon as the author puts pen to paper, paintbrush to canvas, or saves a computer file). Although authors do not need to register their works in order to enjoy the […]

Authors Alliance Presents Workshop on Fair Use at California Lawyers For the Arts

Posted February 8, 2018

On Tuesday, February 13, Brianna Schofield of Authors Alliance will team up with Robert Kirk Walker of the Samuelson Clinic at the UC Berkeley School of Law to present a workshop on fair use with California Lawyers for the Arts. The workshop, “Demystifying Fair Use: A Crash Course For Authors”  will provide an overview of […]

Rights Reversion Success Story: David G. Ullman

Posted January 31, 2018

David G. Ullman is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering Design at Oregon State University and an expert on product design and decision-making best practices. After securing a reversion of rights, Ullman published the sixth edition of The Mechanical Design Process, a leading text used to teach mechanical engineers the processes of product design. We asked […]