Category Archives: Resources

Fair Use Week Guest Post: Rebecca Tushnet on Fair Use and the DMCA’s “Anticircumvention” provisions

Posted February 24, 2016

Rebecca Tushnet is a founding member of Authors Alliance and a Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center. My work on section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which prohibits use of “circumvention” technology such as DVD rippers or, potentially, even screen capture software in order to make video clips for […]

Authors Alliance Celebrates Fair Use and Fair Dealing Week!

Posted February 22, 2016

This week is Fair Use and Fair Dealing Week, a time to celebrate, reflect on, and explain these important rights. Authors Alliance is pleased to participate, together with the week’s organizers at the Association of Research Libraries and dozens of other participating organizations. While fair use rights are also valued by educators, consumers, and technologists, […]

Why Authors Alliance Supports a Broader View of Fair Use Than the Authors Guild


by Authors Alliance co-founder Pamela Samuelson In December 2015, the Authors Guild asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Court of Appeals ruling that Google had made fair use of the in-copyright books that Google scanned from research library collections for its Book Search project in order to index their contents and serve up […]

Begging To Differ With Authors Guild About Google Book Search

Posted February 13, 2016

A version of the following letter by Authors Alliance co-founder Pamela Samuelson ran in the Wall Street Journal on February 13 in response to an earlier opinion piece published by the Authors Guild. In the full-length editorial below, Samuelson takes issue with the claim that Google Book Search undermines fair use and hurts authors. Many of […]

Understanding Open Access: Now in Print

Posted January 27, 2016

When we released our guide to Understanding Open Access this past fall, we published the guide as a digital file under a Creative Commons license with the goal of putting it in reach of anyone who might need it. You can find a free download of the guide on our website. But digital can’t reach […]

Joseph Nye: A Rights Reversion Success Story

Posted January 22, 2016

We are pleased to feature the following guest post by Brianna Schofield, a teaching fellow at UC Berkeley Law and co-author of our Guide to Understanding Rights Reversion. Joseph S. Nye is an Authors Alliance member, Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor, and former Dean of the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.  He is the author […]

John Kingdon: A Rights Reversion Success Story

Posted December 8, 2015

We are pleased to feature the following guest post by Nicole Cabrera and Jordyn Ostroff, students at UC Berkeley Law and authors of our Guide to Understanding Rights Reversion. John W. Kingdon is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is the author of several books on political […]

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act And Freedom Of Expression: A New Rule Preserving Authors’ Fair Use Rights In The Digital Age

Posted November 24, 2015

The following is a guest post by Aleksander Danielyan and Lauren Wong, third-year law students of the Intellectual Property, Arts, and Technology Clinic (IPAT) at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. Over the past year, UCI-IPAT and the Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law & Policy Clinic represented Authors Alliance in a Library of Congress Rulemaking […]

Announcing the Authors Alliance Guide to Understanding Open Access!

Posted November 23, 2015

We are happy to announce the release of our Guide to Understanding Open Access—the second in our series of educational handbooks for authors. Building on the success of our Guide to Understanding Rights Reversion, which landed in browsers and on bookshelves earlier this year, our new book provides the most up-to-date information about when, why, […]

Anne Frank and the Lasting Legacy of the Public Domain

Posted November 17, 2015

The Diary of Anne Frank is expected to go into the public domain in the Netherlands this January. But in a startling and disappointing move the Swiss foundation that controls the rights to The Diary announced that it intends to assert copyright protection for decades after the proper expiration of the term. How? By relying […]