Category Archives: Resources

Library of Congress Expands 1201 Exemptions to All Nonfiction Multimedia E-books

Posted October 25, 2018

Today, the Library of Congress adopted exemptions to section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that prohibits circumvention of technical protection measures. As a part of this rulemaking process, Authors Alliance petitioned to renew the existing exemption that allows authors to bypass encryption to make fair use of film clips in nonfiction multimedia […]

Open Access Resource Roundup

Posted October 24, 2018

To celebrate Open Access Week, we’ve compiled a list of resources that you may find helpful in learning about OA and putting it into practice. Whether you are new to open access, looking for more resources to increase your collection of OA content, or interested in openly publishing your work, this list is a great […]

Spotlight on Book Publication Contracts: Open Access Success Stories

Posted October 22, 2018

Last week, we released a guide to Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts. Today, to celebrate Open Access Week, we’re featuring ways that authors can make their books open at different stages of the book’s life cycle and how to shape a publication contract to accommodate these options. As with our guide, we’re highlighting real […]

Announcing the Authors Alliance Guide to Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts!

Posted October 15, 2018

We are delighted to share our brand-new guide to Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts. Now available to the public (following a special pre-release to our Kickstarter backers), this new guide is the latest addition to our growing library of resources for authors, which also includes educational handbooks on rights reversion, open access, and fair […]

Everything he does, he does it for us. Why Bryan Adams is on to something important about copyright

Posted September 26, 2018

The following post, by Authors Alliance founding member Rebecca Giblin, originally appeared in The Conversation under a CC-BY-ND license. Read more of Giblin’s work on the effects of copyright duration on creators in her recent paper, “A New Copyright Bargain? Reclaiming Lost Culture and Getting Authors Paid.” Rebecca Giblin, Monash University Last Tuesday Bryan Adams […]

Authors Alliance & Creative Commons Team Up for CopyTalk Webinar on Termination of Transfer

Posted August 29, 2018

On Thursday, September 6, Authors Alliance Executive Director Brianna Schofield will be joined by Diane Peters, General Counsel at Creative Commons, to present the American Library Association’s monthly CopyTalk webinar. The topic will be “Helping Authors Get Rights Back Through Termination of Transfers.” Creators who enter into publishing agreements are often asked to sign away […]

Thanks To Our Donors (and an Update On Our Book Publication Contract Guide!)

Posted July 24, 2018

Thanks to the support of our Kickstarter backers, our institutional co-sponsors, and the ongoing work of Rob Walker and the team at the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic at UC Berkeley Law, we are happy to announce that our forthcoming guide to Understanding Book Publication Contracts has reached a milestone! But first, we […]

Supreme Court to Weigh in on Copyright Registration Circuit Split

Posted June 28, 2018

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to resolve the question of what the Copyright Act means when it says that a work must be registered prior to filing an infringement lawsuit. Under the Copyright Act, an infringement action cannot be brought until “registration of the copyright claim has been made” (or, alternatively, registration of the […]

2018: The Year of the Morality Clause

Posted June 6, 2018

We are grateful to professor, consultant, and author Jacqui Lipton for contributing this timely guest post on morality clauses in book publishing contracts. Recent developments in the entertainment industry, notably the #MeToo movement, have led the entire country to focus more on questions of ethics and morality in business, educational, and media settings. The publishing […]