Supplement your on-campus training with these recorded webinars created for A2P2 members and their campus communities. All videos are made available under a CC BY license.

Understanding Rights Reversion Webinar: Fielding questions from your campus community about getting rights back and don’t have a workshop scheduled? Share our pre-recorded webinar on rights reversion.

Understanding and Negotiating Book Publication Contracts Webinar: Help authors on your campus understand common clauses in book publication contracts and negotiate for author-friendly terms by sharing this pre-recorded webinar on understanding and negotiating book publication contracts.

Fair Use for Nonfiction Authors Webinar: Want to help nonfiction authors on your campus understand when they can rely on fair use when incorporating copyrighted works into their writings? Share this link to our pre-recorded webinar on fair use for nonfiction authors.

Understanding Open Access Webinar: Help authors on your campus understand whether open access is right for their works and, if so, how to make their works openly accessible by sharing this pre-recorded webinar on open access.

Copyright For Grad Students Webinar: Share this video with grad students on your campus so they can learn about copyright basics, how to work with copyrighted material, and some of the ways that they can manage their copyrights.